3.3 Assignment: Comprehensive Report Introduction
Getting Started
By the end of this course, you will submit what is referred to as a Comprehensive Report. Think of this report as a complete recap of your entire program and major projects, including your TED-Style Talk and Capstone Project. You want to write it in such a way that someone who has no knowledge of your program/projects would be able to read it and understand exactly what you did, why you did it, how you implemented your projects, the reactions others had to your projects, your personal reaction to implementing the projects, and your recommendations for future changes or revisions. Don’t assume your reader knows anything about your program/projects. This approach will help you develop the clearest report possible.
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
· Write a comprehensive report summarizing the key lessons learned in the MA in Psychology Program and the results of the major projects.
Background Information
Your final report, which is due in Workshop Six, will provide a review and summary of your program and major projects and will be approximately 10-12 pages in length. For this assignment, you will begin to fill in sections of the report.
As you formulate your paper, be mindful of the following guidelines:
· Insert headings in your Comprehensive Report for each of the sections listed in the instructions. Don’t copy and paste the instructions. You’ll need to summarize the information in two or three-word headings.
· Make sure that the Comprehensive Report reflects the content of your entire program and projects and not just select portions of them.
· Your writing should be clear and original. Do not simply cut and paste whole sections of previously written material into your comprehensive report. Instead, paraphrase information from other sources you may have written during the course. You can refer to previous journals and papers from the program and this course, but make sure this report flows as a stand-alone paper separate from any other previous work that you’ve done.
This is the document that you could show a potential employer if he or she wanted to learn about your MA in Psychology and major projects. The document should be professional in style, tone, and content.
1. Begin to assemble relevant materials for your program and projects into a Comprehensive Report utilizing the outline provided below. While you will only work on sections 1 and 2 of the report for this assignment, you will need to complete the entire report for Workshop 6.
2. Open the Comprehensive Report Outline (Word document) and review the entire document.
3. Complete your responses to sections 1. Opening Statement and 2. Reflective Summary in a Word document. This first part of your Comprehensive Report will only be three to four pages, but the final report will be 10-12 pages long.
4. Include title and reference pages, use correct APA formatting, double-space, and use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
5. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Assignment link by the end of the workshop