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Year: 2024

Task- In assignment 1, you selected an open-source research dataset and identified what Machine Learning techniques could be conducted on that dataset. In this applied project, you will be conducting the actual analysis. Your tasks are to carry out the following: 1. Build and train classification and/or regression models from the dataset in any suitable programming environment of your choosing (for e.g., Python) using three machine learning techniques of your choice.

Applied Machine Learning Project – part 2 4. Apply machine learning methods using a software package, including understand and revise existing machine learning programs from a third party. 5. Evaluate and compare different machine learning methods for a given problem experimentally and select the appropriate methods(s) considering various assessment criteria. 6. Display the results of […]

ANSWERED- Applied Machine Learning Project – part 2 4. Apply machine learning methods using a software package, including understand and revise existing machine learning programs from a third party. 5. Evaluate and compare different machine learning methods for a given problem experimentally and select the appropriate methods(s) considering various assessment criteria.

Applied Machine Learning Project – part 2 4. Apply machine learning methods using a software package, including understand and revise existing machine learning programs from a third party. 5. Evaluate and compare different machine learning methods for a given problem experimentally and select the appropriate methods(s) considering various assessment criteria. 6. Display the results of […]

Assessment task details – provide a description of the Task: In this assignment, you will identify a dataset for analysis and discuss Machine Learning techniques with specific reference to the machine learning problem relevant to the chosen dataset. Task For this assignment (assignment 1), you should first select an open-source research dataset. There are many sources of open-source datasets including: Google Research Kaggle

Applied Machine Learning Project 1. Identify problems that can be solved using machine learning. 2. Understand the characteristics of various machine learning methods and make informed decisions regarding what machine learning method(s) should be applied theoretically to a given problem. 3. Accurately understand the terminologies widely used in machine learning and data science and apply […]

Technological Singularity (TS) [1]. This is a discussion on which there is widespread debate and disagreement, perhaps largely because there are different concepts of what the TS really is. You are to writ

You will probably be aware of growing discussion regarding the so-called Technological Singularity (TS) [1]. This is a discussion on which there is widespread debate and disagreement, perhaps largely because there are different concepts of what the TS really is. You are to write a 2,000-word formal academic paper (in IEEE two-column format and referencing […]

Get Expert’s Help – You have recently been hired as the IT Manager for Wrexham Food & Home, a retail chain headquartered in Wrexham and having branch offices in Cardiff and Swansea. Th

Create Cloud Mitigation Report You have recently been hired as the IT Manager for Wrexham Food & Home, a retail chain headquartered in Wrexham and having branch offices in Cardiff and Swansea. The Wrexham headquarters manages all finance, HR, marketing and sales. The Cardiff office manages customer service and customer support while the Swansea offices […]

For this assignment, please prepare and deliver a 3 to 5 minute persuasive speech with accompanying visual aids. Here are some guidelines to follow for your project: Choose an appropriate topic for a persuasive speech. We recommend choosing a topic you’re familiar with and that can comfortably fill a 3 to 5-minute tim

For this assignment, please prepare and deliver a 3 to 5 minute persuasive speech with accompanying visual aids. Here are some guidelines to follow for your project: Choose an appropriate topic for a persuasive speech. We recommend choosing a topic you’re familiar with and that can comfortably fill a 3 to 5-minute time period. Remember […]

Write My Paper- Determine how health care technology, the coordination of care, and the use of community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. Plan to spend at least 2 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family,

In a 5–7 page written assessment, determine how health care technology, coordination of care, and community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. In addition, plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group you’ve chosen to […]

GET HELP- Assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem you defined in the previous assessment on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend at least 2 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Document the time spent (your p

In a 5–7 page written assessment, assess the effect of the patient, family, or population problem you’ve previously defined on the quality of care, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group you’ve chosen […]

Define a patient, family, or population health problem that’s relevant to your practice. Summarize the problem you’ll explore. Identify the patient, family, or group you intend to work with during your practicum. Provide context, data, or information that substantiates the presence of the problem and its significance and relevance to the patient, family, or population.

n a 5–7 page written assessment, define the patient, family, or population health problem that will be the focus of your capstone project. Assess the problem from a leadership, collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspective. Plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours meeting with a patient, family, or group of your choice to […]

As you investigated in your textbook, falls are a geriatric syndrome that is considerably important, and, devastating outcomes can result from a single event. When the elderly patient relies on an institution to keep them safe and they end up falling and injuring themselves, or worse, the ev

Fall Prevention Program Project                          As you investigated in your textbook, falls are a geriatric syndrome that is considerably important, and, devastating outcomes can result from a single event. When the elderly patient relies on an institution to keep them safe and they end […]

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